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A member registered Dec 02, 2021

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try this:

Click the link and then on the page that opens click the edit button and select use as template. From there you should then be able to download as PDF through canva.

My Body is a Cage community · Created a new topic Economics

I'm curious what the economics of the game look like for others. The rule book has reference to rent, prices for purchasing goods and services, and plenty of ways to earn money like jobs and delving. 

Are you charging your players some type of per diem for food and incidentals, or is rent the only recurring expense?

If your players have a $15 an hour job are you letting them take all of that home or are you cutting out a third of it for taxes. 

I mostly curious just how realistic some people like to play it?

Here is the version i ended up printing.

I created a player aid using canva and would be love to hear your thoughts on it. It is designed to be printed and folded up like a brochure.

Hopefully this link works: My Body is a Cage Player Aid

Thank you for the clarifications! Im excited to introduce my friends to this. 

I don't quite understand how armor on monsters works. I see that you need to roll a certain amount of dice to break the armor, but what is the point of breaking the armor? Do you have to break the armor before you can break anything else?

Do you have an example of how you might run an encounter? Are monsters selecting actions using the initiative system just like player characters or is there a simplified way to run monsters?

Does the attacking player get to select which inventory slots on the monster get crossed out? 

During progress when increasing a stat what does it mean exactly to roll 2D6 and get double? Are you attempting to get the same number on both dice or are you trying to roll above twice some value?